It’s the number one question I ask myself when shopping for personal care products: “What’s in it?” I look for recognizable ingredients, like cold pressed seed and nut oils, along with pure essential oils — as many of them organic as possible. Where I don’t recognize an ingredient, I look it up in Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep Database.
Because we’re passionate about what goes into our products, we want to be transparent about our ingredients and share our learning with you.
Introducing our Ingredient List. We have listed every single ingredient in our products, without exception. We have done our best to provide a basic understanding of the derivation, history, and purpose for each.
You may have noted that some of our products contain what may seem an inordinately large number of ingredients (e.g. Gentle Face Wash). What are all of those ingredients? As you read through the ingredient list, you’ll learn that each ingredient is plant-derived and the wash is a perfect gentle blend, with just the right consistency, efficacy, aroma, and overall experience. Naturally.
Some of our products are incredibly simple, like our Lavender Body Butter, with over 70% anti-inflammatory raw shea butter and 20% virgin coconut oil. Even our Balance & Repair Serum, one of our most popular and effective products, has only 4 carrier oils, 4 essential oils, and Vitamin E. Our Lip Balms are even simpler with 4 total ingredients each.
Regardless of number of ingredients, we hope that you find our products immensely effective and aromatically enticing. And that you continue to educate yourself on “what’s in” your personal care.
P.S. We love feedback, so if you have any questions or comments — even corrections! — please let us know. We will constantly update and revise this list as we introduce new products and learn even more about our raw materials.
With unending thanks to Carlos Cano, who researched and developed the lion’s share of the content. Also a shout-out, as always, to our graphic and web designer, Dave Hanas, for developing a clean, yet functional, page in no time at all. Thanks, as well, to Haleigh Prather, who provided additional content.